User talk:Mashafix

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Revision as of 11:25, 21 March 2024 by (talk) (Hi Admin!: new section)
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Eager to jump right  into the cesspool of stupidity ?  Announcing American Shit Coin (SHIT) - the  pinnacle of valueless digital garbage !

�� No worth? Absolutely! �� Zero utility? You bet your dumb ass! �� Just for kicks? Absolutely! �� Just like our elected officials? You know it, you braindead sheep!

Enter the arena of stupidity and  snatch  your SHITcoins now! Available on exchanges for all  you gullible folks who think this is a  smart move . Don't miss out  on this  unparalleled chance to  waste your funds in the toilet ! ����

How to load up on SHIT coin:

1. Obtain a digital wallet like Phantom. 2. Load it with SOL. 3. Go to Raydium and exchange SOL for SHIT. 4. Congratulations , you're officially part of the mockery ! 5. Token address: CA: 2e1pdGgJEy5VbgsF5wG2jqRKoLJapjpQcXMd2TLuktUF 6. American Shit Coin Website:


It's all for a good chuckle, hope you got a laugh over at - on a real note,  Count me in for investing in some entertaining memecoins during the next surge.  Just throwing a little cash around, how bad could it be? 

See ya Alfie

Noticed an alarming piece concerning {about|slamming| - {urgent|should i be worried|should I be concerned?|is this true?}


It has been quite some time, but I just saw a warning article online about and immediately needed to message you guys to disprove this review.

It seems like there's some rumors circulating that could be detrimental. Understanding how quickly rumors can spiral and not wanting you to be caught off guard, I thought it best to warn you.

Here's the source of the info:

I hope it's all a misunderstanding, but I believed it necessary you should know!

cya later, Phyllis Polding

Hi Admin!

Let's work and earn together for a better world

Things are connected by invisible links: you cannot pick a flower without disturbing a star. Green Art Coin is an ethical cryptocurrency (the only one in the world) linked to ecological, artistic, and humanitarian projects.

We would like to involve you as an investor or owner of GRENART COIN, which offers opportunities for profit, environmental benefits, and algorithmic philanthropy (a world-first). We have all ISO certifications (including anti-money laundering) and are authorized to operate in the sector by European financial authorities.

If you are interested in learning more, visit , or contact us at Thank you for your interest, and we hope you can join us in contributing to a better future. Picking the flower and influencing the stars.

Thank you. Marco Di Bari – Ceo Grenart Coin Ltd